Manufacturer of Dr. D's Avian Pellets
Avi-Sci, Inc.

Kathleen in Michigan writes ~

I didn't get a chance to tell you with my last order but your pellets literally saved my little baby.  I had been hospitalized
unexpectedly in December and poor little thing was farmed out to strangers, didn't understand why I wasn't there and,
the worst, her favorite toys got thrown out.  She had had her Micky Mouse for nearly 15 years.  When I got home I
found my daughter, who came out from CA, had given her a seed diet when she ran out of pellets and Birdy ate them
out of necessity.  But when I got home she wouldn't talk, didn't play and was so stressed I thought I'd lose her.  So I
ordered her pellets that she has been eating for about 20 years.  The first words she said when I gave her the dish
was "OH YUM, GOOD FOOD" and within days was back to her old self. So to me she was telling me this was more than
her regular diet, it was her comfort food and she knew things would be ok.  Thanks so much.
Stories Our Customers Have Shared...
From time to time our customers share stories about their birds and our pellets.  If you
have a story you'd like to share, feel free to email and let us know!
"Avi-Sci, Inc.  Science Is In Our Name and Our Product"
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